Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Types of Taqwa According to Allama Majlisi

According to Allama Majlisi (r.a.) there are four types of 'Taqwa'
  1. 'Wara-e-Ta'beeri- which means to abstain from the prohibited things.
  2.  'Wara-e-Saleheen'- To abstain from doubtful things so that one may not commit a Haraam act.
  3. 'Wara-e-Muttaqeen'- To abstain from permissible things so that one is absolutely protected from 'Haraam'.  
  4. 'Wara-e-Sadeqeen'- To avoid everything that is not religious so that one may not waste precious time in useless acts, even though there may not be any risk of committing a sin. 

- Greater Sins, Vol.1 

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