Saturday, March 19, 2011

Breaking the Relations!

It is stated that once a Haji left a thousand Dinaars with a person in Makkah for safe keeping so that he could perform his Hajj. After completing the rites of the Hajj, when he returned to Makkah, he heard that this person had died and the family of the deceased was completely unaware of the money he had left.

An elderly person advised Haji to go to the well of Zam Zam after mid night call out the name of this person. He was also told that if this person was in Heaven, he would certainly answer the call of the Haji.

The Haji did as he was told and after repeatedly calling the person, he got no answer.

When he reported this to the elderly person, he displayed sadness and told Haji that it seemed as if the person has become a dweller of hell. He then advised the Haji to go to Yemen and find a well called Barhoot. After mid night, he was to look into the well and call out the name of the person. If the person was a dweller of hell, he would certainly answer the call of the Haji.

The Haji did as he was told and amazingly, the person answered his call.

The Haji asked, 'Where is my money?

'The person replied, 'I have buried it in a certain place in the house. Go and dig in that place and you will find it'.

The Haji then asked, 'You were famous for doing good, why this punishment?'

The person replied, 'I had a poor sister whom I had left alone. I did not show her any compassion. The Almighty has given me this punishment for severing my relationship with this sister.

Reference: Kitabul Kabaair-81 

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