Saturday, April 2, 2011


"The extensiveness (of Paradise) of which is as the extensiveness of the heaven and the earth". (Surah-al Hadeed : 21) It is related that one day Jibra'eel decided to calculate the length of Paradise. He flew for a distance equal to thirty thousand years and became weary, then he requested Allah to give him strength. Then again he flew for thirty thousand times and each time equal to thirty thousand years and then lost vigour. He then asked Allah whether he flew more or more was left. One Hourie of Paradise came out of her tent and said, "O Spirit of Allah! Why do you trouble yourself, for you have flown so much that you have not even crossed my courtyard as yet". Jibra'eel asked her as to who she was. She replied that she was a Hourie and had been created for a believer (mo`min). (Tafseere Umdatul Bayaan)

Ref: Manazelul Akherah

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