Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to create khuzu wa khushu?

Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) was asked by someone,
" O son of the Prophet! How to create khuzu wa khushu (humility and fear of Allah) in prayer?"
The Imam (a.s.) replied," During prayer keep your eyes focussed on the point where you prostrate with your forehead."
Again someone asked the Imam (a.s.) the same question and he told him that during the prayer he should have the thought in his mind that he might die immediately after the prayer.
After some more days another person asked the Imam the same question. The Imam said that during the prayer the person should concentrate on the thought that he is witnessing Allah; but since Allah does not have any physical appearance, He cannot be seen with the eyes. The thought must be there during the prayer that Allah is looking at the worshipper.
A thought comes to the mind that the Holy Imam (a.s.), instead of giving three different replies, could have given only one reply, which he thought was the best. But this thinking is wrong. As a matter of fact, the Imam was replying to every individual keeping his capability in mind. The reply given to the third and the last person is for the knowledgeable, and the most knowledgeable are the Infallible members of the Prophet's progeny. They are on record praying to Allah thus, " We have not been able to justify Your Mystic knowledge.(ma arafnak haq marafatak)

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