Saturday, June 4, 2011


1st - Mawled Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir [as]
3rd - Martyrdom Imam Ali Al-Naqi Al-Hadi [as]
10th - Mawled Imam Muhammad Al-Taqi Al-Jawad [as]
13th - Mawled Amirul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib [as]
14th - Birth of Prophet Ibrahim [as] (according to another source 1st Zhul Hajjah)
15th - Wafat of Lady Zaynab [as] (according to another source 14th Rajab, 16th Zhul Hajjah)
25th - Martyrdom Imam Musa Al-Kazim [as]
26th - Night of Me'raaj & Ba'tha of Prophet Muhammad [s]
28th - Imam Hussain ibn Ali [as] leaves Medina for Karbala

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