Friday, April 22, 2011

A beautiful piece of advice

It is narrated that Imam Hussain (as), grandson of the Holy Prophet (saw), said to a man who was backbiting another before him,
'O you, stop backbiting, for it is the daily meal of the dogs of Hell.'

A person asked Allah's Messenger (may peace and blessings be upon him) who among Muslims were better. Upon this (the Holy Prophet) remarked: One from whose hand and tongue, Muslims are safe.

Are others safe from your words (back-biting, comments, sarcasm, hurtful jokes, fitnah etc) and your deeds (retaliation, plotting etc)?

Angels stand by your side, recording your words.  It is better to be silent than to comment. "Speak good, or else be silent," says Rasulullah (saw). Busy yourself with finding your own faults, and you shall have little time to comment on others.

Angels stand by your side, recording your deeds. It is better to forgive, than to retaliate. Busy yourself with seeking forgiveness for your own soul, and you shall have little time to plot revenge or to ponder about the deeds of others. 

When others are safe from your words and deeds, it means that YOU are now safe from words and deeds that will destroy YOURSELF on Judgement Day. On that Day, Man will regret what evil he has said and done. He will be filled with relief, for all the evil which was NOT said and done. So restrain yourself, for your own good.

Will you not then take heed?

Ponder and practice.

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